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Install RabbitMQ on Dokku

In a previous post, i explained how to package RabbitMQ and several plugins in a Docker Container, so this will be a followup which shows you how to deploy and configure the RabbitMQ Container on a dokku host.

This Post will not explain how to install Dokku itself – so i assume you have a Dokku environment configured and ready.

Prepare your deployment

The following Dockerfile uses the official RabbitMQ Container and extending it by activating the management and the MQTT plugin. If you don’t need MQTT the you can delete the line  RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_mqtt .

Now create a new directory containing the Dockerfile with the above contents and initialize a git repository.

Then add your dokku server via  git remote add dokku

DO NOT PUSH(!) your changes now, you have to do some configuration first!

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Installing WordPress on Dokku

To get WP up and running you have to prepare several things. This guide is based on a Dokku installation on a DigitalOcean Dropplet; for me the most convenient way to get a Dokku platform running.

Prepare your dokku environment

To make sure everything is on place, you should prepare your dokku environment.

1. Add your app

Create a app with the  dokku apps:create <appname> where appname is the sub domain of your dokku server.

2. Add a Database

I’ll use the official mariadb plugin for firing up a mysql database.

First add a new database by executing the following command  dokku mariadb:create .

Choose whatever you want for the databasename.

After firing the command, you should see a output like this:

Please note the line

  DSN: mysql://mariadb:2995cee44058d534@dokku-mariadb-my-wp-database:3306/my_wp_database 

we will need this information later to configure the WordPress database!

Now connect your database to your app. This step makes sure your app has access to the db.

dokku mariadb:link my_wp_database yourappname

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